Monday, December 26, 2011


All of our planning means very little if at least two people aren't with us - God and the people of New City.

January 2, 2012 at 6:30pm New City's leadership will gather for our first vision casting night - an opportunity to share with our leaders where we are hopefully headed and how they will be an important part of things.

I'll share a lot of the same vision information on Sunday morning, January 15 with the church and on January 21st at a Partner's (members) Celebration and Covenant Re-signing.

While I won't have all of the HOW or WHAT answers when we meet, I do have the WHY... 75% of Middle Georgia sleeps in on any given Sunday.  That means that they are not connected to a gospel-centered church community and either they don't know Jesus or aren't walking closely with Him.  I am not satisfied with that.  I don't think our New City people will be satisfied knowing that either.

A Note to planters and leaders:
You may have a great vision and a worthy cause, but without buy-in from people, your vision will not go very far.  Buy in has several levels and must include all levels of leadership.  Below is a progressive list of those with whom we are sharing our vision as we seek buy-in:
Vision started with me
I communicated the thoughts and listened to Closest Leaders and Elders
Next with Team Leaders (Hospitality Team, Worship, Tech...)
Then MC Leaders
Followed by Partners
the Church as a whole
finally, we will share with the Public

Starting with those closest to you allows you to hear the fears and concerns of others - helping you better define and refine the vision and how it is presented.  Be ready for questions, doubts, and even nay-sayers at every level!  It is also very important that there is buy-in at the closest level - if there isn't, buy-in at others levels may be impossible.  Having leadership buy-in builds an entire team of vision casters and question answerers!

For some excellent thoughts on communicating the vision and other leadership stuff, check out Mikey Anderson's blog.

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