Monday, December 12, 2011

Realizing the Need

Downtown is a great location on the one hand - Pretty easily accessed from all areas of Middle Georgia. I-75 and I-16 meet downtown with plenty of exits. US 80 intersects downtown as does 129. Vineville Ave ends where downtown begins. But we have realized that for many (thousands) it is a horrible location - not because of accessibility but because it is different. It is a different culture - it has different people - it looks different. And many perceive that downtown is a dangerous place - no place for family or kids. There seems to exist a great wall between downtown and other parts of Middle Georgia.

We have realized that we will not change the perception of many about downtown... and if we could it would take years. Roughly 75% of those who will not come downtown are essentially unchurched - disconnected from Jesus and/or the church.
Someone needs to reach them. We need to reach them.
And if they will not come here... then we should go there.

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